Studies show that over 80% of resignations in the first 12 weeks of an appointment can be traced back to the first four days on the job! A superior induction program doesn’t need to be expensive or time consuming – it just needs to cognitively resonate and hit the heart strings! Involving your staff in the welcoming of a new starter will also increase the chance of that person not only performing better but staying longer. We will develop a great Induction Program for you and talk you through the best way to deliver it.
Learning &
This isn’t just a fancy way of saying ‘training’. Learning and development is about much more than teaching people specific task-oriented skills like monkeys. Thinking laterally, communicating more effectively in this increasingly digital age, understanding the ‘big’ picture and predicting what is needed next are all part of improving emotional intelligence in the workplace. HRM offers 3 very effective and popular programs designed to bring out these higher level skills in your people.
Performance Management
This is where a good Job Description with clear KPIs is essential. We will recruit to that brief and you will manage to it. Working together with an employee, in an environment of trust and understanding, will ensure that you get more than the Job Description asks for. However, in times when things aren’t going so well, we’ll help you navigate the legislation around employee performance and what you can and cannot do.