they focussed on staff retention and our future needs
as much as recruitment and they used quality methods
and research to back it all up.”
In 80% of the cases where you have a resignation in the first 12 weeks, the reason can be linked directly to the person’s first 4 days on the job. Research shows these first days in the job are vital – the Induction and Onboarding phase can make the difference between an employee staying and performing well or leaving.
HRM provides you with inexpensive techniques to integrate a superior induction and onboarding program that reaches both the hearts and minds of people, helping your business grow more quickly andreducing staff turnover.
Learning &
Learning and development isn’t just a fancy way of saying ‘training’; it’s about understanding ‘the big picture’ and growing the whole person to grow your business. Successful people pay attention to both their ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ skills.
Let us look after the ‘soft’ skills. HRM’s techniques gets your staff thinking laterally, communicating effectively and being personally accountable — skills that are increasingly lacking in this digital age!
Our specialised sales programs are particularly sought after.
A precise Job Description with clear Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are crucial for you and your new employees. Clarity around performance expectations builds trust and understading, enhances confidence, improves productivity and provides you with a framework for training and coaching.
HRM provides you with the tools needed to get this right and if for some reason things don’t work out, we’ll help you resolve the problem without any breaches of legislation.